Multiply a block diagonal matrix by another diagonal matrix. |
Multiply a block diagonal matrix by a blocked vector. |
Construct the pseudo-inverse of a block diagonal matrix. |
Perform the SVD of a block diagonal matrix. |
- drift.util.blockla.multiply_dm_dm(matrix1, matrix2)
Multiply a block diagonal matrix by another diagonal matrix.
- Parameters:
matrix1 ((nblocks, n, m) np.ndarray) – An array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (n, m).
matrix2 ((nblocks, m, k) np.ndarray) – An array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (m, k).
- Returns:
nmatrix – An array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (n, k).
- Return type:
(nblocks, n, k) np.ndarray
- drift.util.blockla.multiply_dm_v(matrix, vector, conj=False)
Multiply a block diagonal matrix by a blocked vector.
- Parameters:
matrix ((nblocks, n, m) np.ndarray) – An array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (n, m).
vector ((nblocks, m) np.ndarray) – An array containing the blocks of the vector, each of length m.
conj (boolean, optional) – Whether to multiply by the Hermitian conjugate of the matrix.
- Returns:
newvector – An array containing the blocks of the vector, each of length n.
- Return type:
(nblocks, n) np.ndarray
- drift.util.blockla.pinv_dm(matrix, *args, **kwargs)
Construct the pseudo-inverse of a block diagonal matrix.
- Parameters:
matrix ((nblocks, n, m) np.ndarray) – An array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (n, m).
- Returns:
pinv_matrix – An array containing the pseudo-inverse.
- Return type:
(nblocks, m, n) np.ndarray
- drift.util.blockla.svd_dm(matrix, full_matrices=True)
Perform the SVD of a block diagonal matrix.
- Parameters:
matrix ((nblocks, n, m) np.ndarray) – A array containing nblocks diagonal blocks of size (n, m).
full_matrices (boolean) – Whether to return the full size SVD matrices, or truncate. See documentation for scipy.linalg.svd
- Returns:
u ((nblocks, n, k1) np.ndarray) – The left eigenvectors in block form. k1 is n if full_matrices is set, otherwise
k1 = min(n, m)
sig ((nblocks, k) np.ndarray) – The singular values in block form,
k = min(n, m)
v ((nblocks, k2, m) np.ndarray) – The right eigenvectors in block form. k2 is m if full_matrices is set, otherwise
k2 = min(n, m)