Common functionality for all Cylinder Telescopes. |
A complete class for an Unpolarised Cylinder telescope. |
A complete class for an Unpolarised Cylinder telescope. |
- class drift.telescope.cylinder.CylinderTelescope(latitude=45, longitude=0, **kwargs)
Common functionality for all Cylinder Telescopes.
- num_cylinders
The number of cylinders.
- Type:
- num_feeds
Number of regularly spaced feeds along each cylinder.
- Type:
- cylinder_width
Width in metres.
- Type:
- feed_spacing
Gap between feeds in metres.
- Type:
- in_cylinder
Include in cylinder correlations?
- Type:
- touching
Are the cylinders touching (no spacing between them)?
- Type:
- cylspacing
If not touching this is the spacing in metres.
- Type:
Initialise a telescope object.
- Parameters:
latitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
longitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
- feed_positions_cylinder(cylinder_index)
Get the feed positions on the specified cylinder.
- Parameters:
cylinder_index (integer) – The cylinder index, an integer from 0 to self.num_cylinders.
- Returns:
feed_positions – The positions in the telescope plane of the receivers. Packed as [[u1, v1], [u2, v2], …].
- Return type:
- property fwhm_e
Full width half max of the E-plane antenna beam.
- property fwhm_h
Full width half max of the H-plane antenna beam.
- property u_width
The approximate physical width (in the u-direction) of the dish/telescope etc, for calculating the maximum (l,m).
- property v_width
The approximate physical length (in the v-direction) of the dish/telescope etc, for calculating the maximum (l,m).
- class drift.telescope.cylinder.PolarisedCylinderTelescope(latitude=45, longitude=0, **kwargs)
A complete class for an Unpolarised Cylinder telescope.
Initialise a telescope object.
- Parameters:
latitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
longitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
- beamx(feed, freq)
Beam for the X polarisation feed.
- Parameters:
feed (integer) – Index for the feed.
freq (integer) – Index for the frequency.
- Returns:
beam – Healpix maps (of size [self._nside, 2]) of the field pattern in the theta and phi directions.
- Return type:
- beamy(feed, freq)
Beam for the Y polarisation feed.
- Parameters:
feed (integer) – Index for the feed.
freq (integer) – Index for the frequency.
- Returns:
beam – Healpix maps (of size [self._nside, 2]) of the field pattern in the theta and phi directions.
- Return type:
- class drift.telescope.cylinder.UnpolarisedCylinderTelescope(latitude=45, longitude=0, **kwargs)
A complete class for an Unpolarised Cylinder telescope.
Initialise a telescope object.
- Parameters:
latitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
longitude (scalar) – Position on the Earths surface of the telescope (in degrees).
- beam(feed, freq)
Beam for a particular feed.
- Parameters:
feed (integer) – Index for the feed.
freq (integer) – Index for the frequency.
- Returns:
beam – A Healpix map (of size self._nside) of the beam. Potentially complex.
- Return type: