Estimate powerspectra and forecast constraints from real data.
Decorrelate the powerspectrum estimate. |
Load and decorrelate the powerspectrum in fname. |
Base class for quadratic powerspectrum estimation. |
PS Estimation class with exact calculation of the Fisher matrix. |
- class drift.core.psestimation.PSEstimation(kltrans, subdir='ps')
Base class for quadratic powerspectrum estimation.
See Tegmark 1997 for details.
- bandtype
Which types of bands to use (default: polar).
- Type:
{‘polar’, ‘cartesian’}
- k_bandsnp.ndarray
Array of band boundaries. e.g. np.array([0.0, 0.5, ]), polar only
- num_theta: integer
Number of theta bands to use (polar only)
- kpar_bandsnp.ndarray
Array of band boundaries. e.g. np.array([0.0, 0.5, ]), cartesian only
- kperp_bandsnp.ndarray
Array of band boundaries. e.g. np.array([0.0, 0.5, ]), cartesian only
- thresholdscalar
Threshold for including eigenmodes (default is 0.0, i.e. all modes)
- unit_bandsboolean
If True, bands are sections of the exact powerspectrum (such that the fiducial bin amplitude is 1).
- zero_meanboolean
If True (default), then the fiducial parameters have zero mean.
Initialise a PS estimator class.
- Parameters:
kltrans (KLTransform) – The KL Transform filter to use.
subdir (string, optional) – Subdirectory of the KLTransform directory to store results in. Default is ‘ps’.
- delbands()
Delete power spectrum bands to save memory.
- fisher_bias_m(mi)
Generate the Fisher matrix and bias for a specific m.
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode to calculate for.
- fisher_file()
Fetch the h5py file handle for the Fisher matrix.
- Returns:
file – File pointing at the hdf5 file with the Fisher matrix.
- Return type:
- genbands()
Precompute the powerspectrum bands, including the P(k, mu) bands and the angular powerspectrum.
- generate(regen=False)
Calculate the total Fisher matrix and bias and save to a file.
- Parameters:
regen (boolean, optional) – Force regeneration if products already exist (default False).
- make_clzz(pk)
Make an angular powerspectrum from the input matter powerspectrum.
Uses the lmax and frequencies from the telescope object.
- Parameters:
pk (function, np.ndarray -> np.ndarray) – The input powerspectrum (must be vectorized).
- Returns:
aps – The angular powerspectrum.
- Return type:
np.ndarray[lmax+1, nfreq, nfreq]
- property nbands
Number of powerspectrum bands.
- num_evals(mi)
Number of eigenvalues for this m (and threshold).
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode index.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- q_estimator(mi, vec1, vec2=None, noise=False)
Estimate the q-parameters from given data (see paper).
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – The m-mode we are calculating for.
vec (np.ndarray[num_kl, num_realisatons]) – The vector(s) of data we are estimating from. These are KL-mode coefficients.
noise (boolean, optional) – Whether we should project against the noise matrix. Used for estimating the bias by Monte-Carlo. Default is False.
- Returns:
qa – Array of q-parameters. If noise=True then the array is one longer, and the last parameter is the projection against the noise.
- Return type:
- class drift.core.psestimation.PSExact(kltrans, subdir='ps')
PS Estimation class with exact calculation of the Fisher matrix.
Initialise a PS estimator class.
- Parameters:
kltrans (KLTransform) – The KL Transform filter to use.
subdir (string, optional) – Subdirectory of the KLTransform directory to store results in. Default is ‘ps’.
- cacheproj(mi)
Cache projected covariances on disk.
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode.
- delproj(mi)
Deleted cached covariances from disk.
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode.
- getproj(mi, bi)
Fetch cached KL-covariance (either from disk or just calculate if small enough).
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode.
bi (integer) – band index.
- Returns:
klcov – Covariance in KL-basis.
- Return type:
np.ndarray[nevals, nevals]
- makeproj(mi, bi)
Project angular powerspectrum band into KL-basis.
- Parameters:
mi (integer) – m-mode.
bi (integer) – band index.
- Returns:
klcov – Covariance in KL-basis.
- Return type:
np.ndarray[nevals, nevals]
- drift.core.psestimation.decorrelate_ps(ps, fisher)
Decorrelate the powerspectrum estimate.
- Parameters:
ps (np.ndarray[nbands]) – Powerspectrum estimate.
fisher (np.ndarrays[nbands, nbands]) – Fisher matrix.
- Returns:
psd (np.narray[nbands]) – Decorrelated powerspectrum estimate.
errors (np.ndarray[nbands]) – Errors on decorrelated bands.
window (np.ndarray[nbands, nbands]) – Window functions for each band row-wise.
- drift.core.psestimation.decorrelate_ps_file(fname)
Load and decorrelate the powerspectrum in fname.
- Parameters:
fname (string) – Name of file to load.
- Returns:
psd (np.narray[nbands]) – Decorrelated powerspectrum estimate.
errors (np.ndarray[nbands]) – Errors on decorrelated bands.
window (np.ndarray[nbands, nbands]) – Window functions for each band row-wise.